Thursday 11 October 2012

Textual Analysis Of A Horror Magazine Cover

This magazine cover is from the movie "All About Evil" I found this cover when searching for horror magazine covers. This Magazine cover came out more as a horror cover then others as it contains typical horror representations on the cover.

The character on the magazine stands out the most compared to the text. This gives the readers an image of what they would expect within in the movie itself. The background of the magazine is plain white.
the character is a typical representation of how the victims may look in the movie. In this magazine cover the lady is shown covered in blood from head down. This is a typical representation of a character involved with the use of blood. The top she is wearing looks old covered in a mixture of blood and mud. From whichever angle this magazine is looked at the character will always seem like she is starring at the reader. Also below her eyes is like eye bags but also mascara which is black and shows that the character may have been crying at some point. Other than that the rest of her face is really white but once her hair starts all the dark horrible colours begin.

The creator of this magazine cover uses a clever way of making people read the good stuff about the movie so after they can go and view the actual movie. The techniques that have been used are writing about the artists like "Hollywood’s most talented actress is back". This creates a good impact on the readers as they are quoted to be watching Hollywood’s best artist. The characters name is below the quote in the biggest font on the page of the magazine which they creator has purposely done to make the character seem like she’s the best actor and in some way special.

Nearly all the important information is written in smaller font and in the colour blue. Here the creator has used a clever technique, where once the big text has been read the readers are sort of forced to read the text below to see if they correspond in any way. Most the small writing is to-do with the genre horror, such as "Heroin, crack cocaine and a collapsed lung to a series of grisly shorts in all about evil". Compared to the poster we have actually received more information of what happens in the movie. This text tells us that this movie will contain the uses of all those drugs.

The whole magazine is about horror as everything other then the cast is related to horror. This is the reason why this movie is on this magazine. It brings back more of an audience as anyone that specifically looks for horror movies in magazines will see covers like this at the front. This is a good use of advertisement and will make people watch the movie. There are also strap lines and sub headings which are part of this magazine cover but doesn't have anything to-do with this movie.

The character in this magazine cover could have a representation of both an antagonist or a protagonist.
It is not easy to tell as the character is covered in blood wearing dirty or old clothing with her hair being all over the place.
She could be a antagonist as the way she is dressed and the blood all over her could show that she could have been possessed, or shes lost it and started attacking innocent people.
This character could also be a victim of a antagonist and she has ended up defeating the villain after shes been through some sort of pain.

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