Saturday 4 August 2012

AS Project Mini Evaluation


Upon starting my AS media task myself and my group were naturally extremely enthusiastic, initially this huge outburst of ideas seemed to us as a brilliant thing but was far from it as it meant we had an overwhelming amount of clashing between our visions of what our final piece should look like. however over the year we became more aware of what should and shouldn't be in a movie opening and became generally more media savvy. As a group we were happy with our final piece however there were many mishaps and some unexpected issues which were not given enough time to be corrected. Some of this was due to restrictions that were out of our control such as school rules that prevented us from filming in certain areas or at specific times.

During my AS media i was more practical orientated rather than the theory side of media i think this is because i feel more engaged in practicals because i think i am more capable when it comes to filming and editing rather then analysis of representation and other theoretical aspects. However this year i plan to evenly split my work and apply myself to both aspects, equally to allow me to get a higher grade.

Last year we used the schools equipment to film and edit our media project and for our AS level as we beleived it was capable of providing a clean final project. however because A2 is such a big jump up and demands better quality in all regards of our groups work, we have decided to use a higher quality DSLR for our stills and a full HD high FPS camera for our video footage as well as stepping up from editing with imovie to final cut pro

During our AS task were myself and the other two members of our group because this because of this we were limited as to what we could do in terms of our storyline to correct this in our A2 peice there will be actors as well as ourselves involved this widens the amount of things we can do within our piece and hopefully result in a better outcome.

Finally due to there being restricitions such as the one in place by the school most of our AS task was filmed in and around the school area this meant finding places which were well suited for our genre we had chosen was difficult however this year we have found ways in which we can overcome the bars in place and wil be able to find a set best suited for our filming

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