Thursday 9 August 2012

A2 Task

Myself and my group were presented with several options for our A2 media project which varied from creating a advertisement to making a short film.

We decided to make a film trailer accompanied by a magazine cover featuring the movie and and a promotional poster for the movie the reason we decided to choose this task was for several reasons

Firstly we felt extremely confident in making a trailer as during our AS task we were miss-informed and starting making a trailer which we think if we had finished through would have been a high quality of work.

Secondly we had already had experience of making a promotional poster from our AS piece this means that we can apply what we know works well on a poster and include and pick away what we think doesn't work so well. In addition everyone in the group was confident with using photoshop therefore making the choice even easier to make as if we had picked another task it would mean we would have to spend time learning how to use new software and tools

AS Media Poster

Finally out of all the options available we found that this choice exposed fewest of our weaknesses and showed off the majority of our skills making it a logical choice to do a trailer, magazine cover, and poster

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