Saturday 15 September 2012

Choosing A Genre

Our group has decided to choose to create a horror trailer for our A2 media the reason we have decided to choose this genre imparticular is for many reasons

Firstly we have already had experience in the horror genre and can therefore make use of the knowledge we have gained as we will know what is and isn't effective within the genre and can then decide how we would like to incorporate it into our main piece as well as this it will also give us a head start in the research we will need to carry out as we wont have to start from scratch and could simply add to and further develop to what we already have.

The second reason we chose a horror was because it is a genre we all have a active interest in this means we are more likely to be engaged in the work we carry out furthermore we will be able to apply what we have learnt from the numerous horrors we have viewed and apply it to our own task.

finally the last reason we decided to make a horror themed piece of media as we personally believe it is a genre that benefits from stereotypes such as blood and darkness and because of this we have a simple guideline of what to add if we start to stray from the genre

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